2024 | Color | 105:00 Ingrid and Martha were close friends in their youth, when they worked together at the same magazine. After losing touch for years, they reunite under extreme but strangely tender circumstances. Country: España, Estados Unidos Direction: Almodóvar; Pedro Script: Almodóvar; Pedro Production: Almodóvar; Agustín, García; Esther Photography: Grau; Eduard Sound: Burmann; Sergio Music: Iglesias; Alberto Cast:Moore; Julianne, Swinton; Tilda, Turturro; John Art direction: Weinberg; Inbal Participation year at FICM: 2024
2024 | Color | 105:00 Ingrid and Martha were close friends in their youth, when they worked together at the same magazine. After losing touch for years, they reunite under extreme but strangely tender circumstances. Country: España, Estados Unidos Direction: Almodóvar; Pedro Script: Almodóvar; Pedro Production: Almodóvar; Agustín, García; Esther Photography: Grau; Eduard Sound: Burmann; Sergio Music: Iglesias; Alberto Cast:Moore; Julianne, Swinton; Tilda, Turturro; John Art direction: Weinberg; Inbal Participation year at FICM: 2024
High Heels Rebeca's husband was once the great love of her mother, the diva "Becky del Páramo". When he is murdered, mother and daughter meet again. The judge handling the case is a drag-queen at night who imitates Becky. See More
The Skin I Live In The twisted story of a brilliant plastic surgeon who, after losing his wife to a horrific car accident, becomes obsessed with creating the perfect skin for the body to live in. His vision is of a synthetic creation that would shield the human body from all external harm, even the flames that claimed his wife. He tests this new skin on Vera, a volatile woman whom he keeps against her will, but who holds the key to unlocking his obsession. See More
Broken Embraces A man writes, lives and loves in darkness. Fourteen years ago, he suffered along with his love, Lena, a terrible car accident that left him blind. This man now uses two names, Harry Caine, pseudonym under which he signs his literary works, and Mateo Blanco, his real name, which he uses to sign the movies he directs. Now that he is blind, he gets along thanks to the help of his production director, Judit García, and her son, Diego, who works for Harry as a secretary and guide. See More
Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25 MÉXICO, MÉXICO, RA, RA, RA, RA after half a century 01 · 16 · 25 Emilio Echevarría (1944-2025) and the 25th Anniversary of AMORES PERROS 01 · 09 · 25