2003 | Color | 49 min 20 seg The Lost Reels of Pancho Villa. This documentary follows the search for a lost movie: The Life of General Villa, produced under a contract between the rebel Mexican general and the Mutual Film Corporation, in 1914 Country: México Direction: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Script: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Production: Mendoza; Héctor Photography: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Music: Cinemudo; Laudes, Uribe; Horacio Art direction: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Participation year at FICM: 2003
2003 | Color | 49 min 20 seg The Lost Reels of Pancho Villa. This documentary follows the search for a lost movie: The Life of General Villa, produced under a contract between the rebel Mexican general and the Mutual Film Corporation, in 1914 Country: México Direction: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Script: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Production: Mendoza; Héctor Photography: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Music: Cinemudo; Laudes, Uribe; Horacio Art direction: Rocha Valverde; Gregorio Carlos Participation year at FICM: 2003
"Toscanito, coleccionista de historias" (Primer episodio de Luces, cámara...revolución) Parting from an archaic database containing thousands of film stills from one of Salvador Toscano’s compilation films, this piece deconstructs Memorias de un mexicano—the film that Carmen Toscano put together in 1950 using the footage her father had shot. The film seeks to reconstruct what would have been Toscano’s last film: Historia de la Revolución Mexicana. With the collaboration of: The Mexican Film Institute (IMCINE) and The Fundación Toscano, IAP. See More
Acme & Co. The universe of Felix and Edmundo Padilla, the last of the itinerant film exhibitors in the silent era and authors of La venganza de Pancho Villa, one of the most outstanding compilation films ever made. Weaving the obsessive fantasies of the protagonists with historical fact, Acme & Co. revisits a time and place populated with images that refuse to die. See More
A List of Mexicans Who Have Won an Oscar... Updated! 03 · 02 · 25 Carlos Diegues (1940-2025) and BYE BYE BRASIL 02 · 27 · 25 Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25