1933 | B/N | 95 min At the height of the Mexican Revolution, hacendero Mendoza figures out a way to be in good standing with both the government and the revolutionary forces. He supports the Huerta government and Zapata’s revolutionaries. He welcomes everyone to his hacienda and depending on their political leanings, he hangs up portraits of either Huerta or Zapata and holds a party in his visitor’s honor. But the situation eventually becomes unsustainable. Which side will he take? Country: México Direction: de Fuentes; Fernando Script: Bustillo Oro; Juan, de Fuentes; Fernando, Magdaleno; Mauricio Production: ángel Frías; Rafael, Castellot Jr; José, Prida Santacilia; Antonio Photography: Phillips Jr.; Alex Sound: Kroger; Bj Music: Castro Padilla; Manuel Cast:G Barreiro; Luis, Roldán; Emma, Galán; Abraham, Del Río; José, Del Diestro; Alfredo, Busquets; Joaquín, R. Frausto; Antonio, Guerrero; Carmen Participation year at FICM: 2010
1933 | B/N | 95 min At the height of the Mexican Revolution, hacendero Mendoza figures out a way to be in good standing with both the government and the revolutionary forces. He supports the Huerta government and Zapata’s revolutionaries. He welcomes everyone to his hacienda and depending on their political leanings, he hangs up portraits of either Huerta or Zapata and holds a party in his visitor’s honor. But the situation eventually becomes unsustainable. Which side will he take? Country: México Direction: de Fuentes; Fernando Script: Bustillo Oro; Juan, de Fuentes; Fernando, Magdaleno; Mauricio Production: ángel Frías; Rafael, Castellot Jr; José, Prida Santacilia; Antonio Photography: Phillips Jr.; Alex Sound: Kroger; Bj Music: Castro Padilla; Manuel Cast:G Barreiro; Luis, Roldán; Emma, Galán; Abraham, Del Río; José, Del Diestro; Alfredo, Busquets; Joaquín, R. Frausto; Antonio, Guerrero; Carmen Participation year at FICM: 2010
Let’s Go with Pancho Villa During the Mexican Revolution, a group of brave peasants known as the Leones de San Pablo join Pancho Villa’s army. After a few battles, with more defeats than victories behind them, the original group has shrunk in number, and a series of troubles leads them to rethink their position. See More
El prisionero 13 Marta leaves her drunkard husband, Colonel Carrasco, taking their young son with her. The child, Juan, grows into an admirable young man. Years later, Carrasco accepts a bribe to free a revolutionary from his prison and asks to have him replaced by absolutely anyone. That anyone turns out to be his own long-lost son. When Carrasco finds out, he desperately attempts to prevent Juan’s execution at the hands of his very own officers. See More
The Phantom of the Monastery Married couple Cristina and Eduardo, along with their friend Alfonso, get lost in the woods at dusk. When they encounter a mysterious monk, who offers them shelter at the old monastery of the Order of Silence, Eduardo is scared and refuses to go inside the building, but Cristina and Alfonso—who are having an affair—convince him to spend the night there. A series of abnormal events will make the lovers regret their decision. See More
A List of Mexicans Who Have Won an Oscar... Updated! 03 · 02 · 25 Carlos Diegues (1940-2025) and BYE BYE BRASIL 02 · 27 · 25 Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25