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SUJO, by Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez, at the 22nd FICM: The Alternatives to Violence
Panel 1
Acting Direction in Indigenous Communities: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Unveiling of the 21st FICM Plaque in the Presence of the Mexican Feature Film Jury
Adriana Paz
La actriz mexicana Adriana Paz recibió el Ojito a Mejor Actriz
Tratado de invisibilidad
The Women Who Clean Up the City: Interview with Luciana Kaplan, Director of TREATMENT OF INVISIBILITY
Emilia Perez
FICM Inaugurated Its 22nd Edition With Jacques Audiard’s Emilia Pérez
Conferencia Emilia Perez
Press Conference for EMILIA PÉREZ: "In the end, we are talking about human beings..."
Sala Solaris
The Patzcuaro Extension Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary at the 22nd FICM