MORELIA PRO gathers a series of projects aimed at professionals in the cinematography industry that occur in the months before and during the Morelia International Film Festival. These activities intend to contribute to the professional training and updating of Mexican filmmakers as well as to promote specific areas of the Mexican film industry, strengthening the various links involved in the creation, production, and distribution of film projects. IMPULSO MORELIA FORO DE LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS PREVIOUS PROJECTS Impulso Morelia The Impulso Morelia section emerged in 2015 as a result of the Morelia International Film Festival's effort to make a constant contribution to the projection of Mexican cinema abroad and to offer a new stage for dialogue between national filmmakers and professionals from the world scene. Its inspiration and design are the work of José María Riba, a tireless promoter of Mexican cinema, whose professionalism and enthusiastic participation as a programmer year after year contributed to the consolidation of this initiative. MORE INFORMATION Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas El Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas surgió en 2007 como un espacio importante de la programación del Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia, con el objetivo de explorar las narrativas del cine que proponen les cineastas indígenas en diversas coyunturas y contextos. A lo largo de los últimos años, hemos tenido la oportunidad de recibir en Morelia a realizadoras y realizadores de muy diversas latitudes, siempre con la idea de poner sus inquietudes particulares en la conversación y reflexión colectiva que sobre las imágenes cinematográficas promueve e impulsa el FICM. MÁS INFORMACIÓN Industry Academy Latin America The Industry Academy Latin America is an initiative of the Locarno Film Festival, which has organized seven editions within the FICM. It was established as an intensive training program to train and support young professionals in the film industry working in distribution, sales, marketing, exhibition, curation, and programming. The aim is to help them comprehend and tackle the challenges of the independent audiovisual industry in Latin America and globally. MORE INFORMATION Morelia | Sundance Story Lab The Morelia Sundance Screenplay Lab was an initiative created by the Morelia International Film Festival and the Sundance Institute International Program. It aims to enhance feature film scripts through analysis and creative advice from prestigious international tutors. MORE INFORMATION Afinar el guion FICM- IFAL The French Institute of Latin America (IFAL) and the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), with the invaluable support of the French Embassy in Mexico, joined forces to promote and strengthen training opportunities for young Mexican filmmakers.The Screenwriting Advisory Program “Afinar el guion” offers a chance to review and improve feature-length fiction screenplays in sessions guided by well-known French screenwriters. MORE INFORMATION Laboratorio de Historias El Laboratorio de Historias es resultado de los esfuerzos que el FICM ha hecho, a través de MORELIA PRO, en la creación de actividades de formación y actualización profesional, con especial énfasis en los últimos años en fortalecer espacios de trabajo para perfeccionar el guion cinematográfico, uno de los cimientos desde donde se construyen las historias que vemos en las pantallas. MÁS INFORMACIÓN