11 · 06 · 12 Realism and perception: Carlos Reygadas presents Post Tenebras Lux to the media Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Along with his three actors, Nathalia Acevedo, Adolfo Jiménez Castro and Wildebaldo Torres, and Jaime Romandia, his producer since Japón (2002), Reygadas clearly expressed his motivations in filmmaking and his concept of cinematography. "My films are not puzzles, they are an expression of what I feel, as if you were to open a window and look inside me," he said. Carlos Bonfil, writer and film critic, moderated the conversation between Reygadas and the press, and invited the public to talk about their doubts. The director spoke about the narrative, his work with the actors, the reception of his work outside Mexico, and the distribution niches for his films. The conversation also focused on his vision as a filmmaker who feels the necessity of sharing his reality, which he sees as a mixture of dreams, memories and perceptions. When asked about the diabolic presence repeated in his films, he responded that it has to do with "pure realism." It is the image of a recurrent dream he had as a child. Asked if he liked explaining his films, Reygadas said he didn't think it was necessary. Some people who he has never spoken with understand them, others do not, but he is confident that time, for the same reason, will fit things into place. Post Tenebras Lux is his most recent film to premiere in Mexico at the 10th edition of FICM.