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1994 | Color | 154min

The first story involves two thugs who try to keep their boss's girlfriend from overdosing. The second shows how a down-and-out boxer risks getting killed in order to recover his father's watch. The third story describes finding the best way to get rid of a dead body and a car soaked in blood.

Country: Estados Unidos
Direction: Tarantino; Quentin
Script: Avary; Roger, Tarantino; Quentin
Production: Weinstein; Harvey, Weinstein; Bob, Devito; Danny, Bender; Lawrence, N. Gladstein; Richard, Sher; Stacey, Shamberg; Michael
Photography: Sekula; Andrzej
Sound: W Brown; G, Bartlett; David, Ewing Smith; Charles, D Gold; Avram, Hulsman; John, Libenson; Patricio, Richard; Richard, Beville; Dean
Music: Nelson; Kathy, Lovelace; Laura, Kelley; Chuck, Johnson; Rolf, Ramos; Mary, Rachtman; Karyn
Cast:Travolta; John, Stoltz; Eric, Rhames; Ving, L. Jackson; Samuel, De Medeiros; Maria, Arquette; Rosanna, Buscemi; Steve, Walken; Christopher, Keitel; Harvey, Plummer; Amanda, Willis; Bruce, Thurman; Uma, Roth; Tim
Participation year at FICM: 2009

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