2012 | Color | 17 min 54 seg Murmurs: noise that is made by speaking very softly and in such a way that you cannot hear what is being said. Country: México Direction: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Script: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Production: Linares; Angel Photography: Arrangoiz; Esteban Sound: Rovirosa; José Cast:Negrete; Concha, Negrete; Midio, Torres; Danelly Art direction: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Participation year at FICM: 2012
2012 | Color | 17 min 54 seg Murmurs: noise that is made by speaking very softly and in such a way that you cannot hear what is being said. Country: México Direction: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Script: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Production: Linares; Angel Photography: Arrangoiz; Esteban Sound: Rovirosa; José Cast:Negrete; Concha, Negrete; Midio, Torres; Danelly Art direction: Andrade Juárez; Gastón Participation year at FICM: 2012
the weight of the fallen Through a letter, a son narrates the disappearance of his mother on the night of October 2, 1968, as well as the search that his father undertook until death without finding it. This essay made from a large number of photographs, is an evocation not only to the disappeared of 1968, but also to the disappearances of our days. In a country where people must learn to live under the weight of the fallen. See More
Can't See the Forest for the Trees For a long time the town of Cherán, Michoacán, was harassed by the cartel "la familia michoacana" which blackmailed the population and destroyed the surrounding forests. Armed with stones and sticks its inhabitants decided to banish crime all together, stop the illegal felling of trees and reforest their woods. See More
A List of Mexicans Who Have Won an Oscar... Updated! 03 · 02 · 25 Carlos Diegues (1940-2025) and BYE BYE BRASIL 02 · 27 · 25 Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25