2018 | B/N | 16:00 A day before her son´s wedding, Agustina tries to have the ceremony called off, only to discover that Emilia, the orphan girl betrothed to her son, still has someone ready to come to her defense. Direction: Carrillo; Sofía Script: Carrillo; Sofia (basado en el cuento homónimo de Ana Carrillo) Production: Padilla; Armando Photography: Ramírez; Juan Pablo Sound: Acosta; Odín Music: Curiel Balzaretti; Yolihuani Cast:Dávalos; Cristian, Betancourt; Michelle, Romo; Susana, Padilla Sánchez; Marisol Art direction: Peresandi; Lou Participation year at FICM: 2018
2018 | B/N | 16:00 A day before her son´s wedding, Agustina tries to have the ceremony called off, only to discover that Emilia, the orphan girl betrothed to her son, still has someone ready to come to her defense. Direction: Carrillo; Sofía Script: Carrillo; Sofia (basado en el cuento homónimo de Ana Carrillo) Production: Padilla; Armando Photography: Ramírez; Juan Pablo Sound: Acosta; Odín Music: Curiel Balzaretti; Yolihuani Cast:Dávalos; Cristian, Betancourt; Michelle, Romo; Susana, Padilla Sánchez; Marisol Art direction: Peresandi; Lou Participation year at FICM: 2018
Cerulia Cerulia makes a trip to say goodbye to her childhood home, but her memories and her grandparents’ presence won’t let her go. See More
The Sad House The story of a family and its relationship with sickness, told through objects found in junk shops, flea markets and donations. See More
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