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1969 | Color | 1h 35

When Maclovio was just a boy, an unfortunate incident turned him into a killer. Since then, ¿El Tunco Maclovio? made his reputation as the most ruthless, skilled and invincible hitman. Another symbol of power and terror in the region, Laura Montaño, landowner and leader of a pack of fierce hitmen, solicits Tunco Maclovio´s help in killing Julián Moncada: a man who has dared seduce her only daughter.

Country: México
Direction: Mariscal; Alberto
Script: Delfoss; José
Production: J Brooks; Óscar
Photography: Solano; Rosalío
Sound: Samperio; Galdino, L. Fields; James
Music: Cortázar Jr; Ernesto
Cast:Alemán; Julio, Almada; Mario, Angely; Bárbara, Cantú; Nora, Miranda; Juan, Bravo; Julián, Del Castillo; Eric, José Laboriel; Juan
Participation year at FICM: 2008

Director Movies


In the middle of a night crashed a man, apparently a scientist, contemplates the sky. A moment later he is directed to work. The scientist who can be identified as number 2 relieves a colleague in the task of examining the sky. Number 2 does not know that this time he will discover something in the sky beyond its comprehension.

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