2021 | Color | 13:01 Ambushed by her first period, Ceci calmly concludes she's dying. Yet she doesn't want to bother Dad with it, so she prepares a bucket list (including her first real kiss) and her funeral, because death should be an art. Direction: Ponce; Maria Victoria Script: Ponce; María Victoria Production: Cortez; Sophia, Cortez; Vincent, MacLean; Heather Photography: Fletcher; Alexander Sound: Kinzey; Scott Music: Avalos; Santino, Stevens Ibarra; Roxanna Art direction: Leandro; Melanie Participation year at FICM: 2021
2021 | Color | 13:01 Ambushed by her first period, Ceci calmly concludes she's dying. Yet she doesn't want to bother Dad with it, so she prepares a bucket list (including her first real kiss) and her funeral, because death should be an art. Direction: Ponce; Maria Victoria Script: Ponce; María Victoria Production: Cortez; Sophia, Cortez; Vincent, MacLean; Heather Photography: Fletcher; Alexander Sound: Kinzey; Scott Music: Avalos; Santino, Stevens Ibarra; Roxanna Art direction: Leandro; Melanie Participation year at FICM: 2021
Ruda Eleven-year-old Aurora is an apprentice to her healer grandmother. Aurora worries about disappointing her Nina; she just wants to be a kid, and Wonder Woman is more her style. After falling and hurting herself during an outdoor adventure, Aurora learns that Wonder Woman suits her grandmother’s style, too. See More
Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25 MÉXICO, MÉXICO, RA, RA, RA, RA after half a century 01 · 16 · 25 Emilio Echevarría (1944-2025) and the 25th Anniversary of AMORES PERROS 01 · 09 · 25