2015 | Color | 14:57 Javier is a small rotten body without a soul that cannot control his hunger. He represents the guilt of his mother and the jelousy of his older brother; Martín. Everything rottens around them, they must burry Javier's body. A dark secret between Martín and his mother keep them from letting Javier go. Everything dies. Country: México Direction: Villaseñor Amador; Indra Script: Villaseñor Amador; Indra Production: López Munive; Juan, Villaseñor Amador; Indra, Villaseñor; Humberto Photography: López Munive; Juan Sound: Muñoz; David Music: Richter; Sara Cast:Gutiérrez; Fernando, Leví Villarruel; Óscar, Bravo; Myriam Art direction: Amador; Diana, Almaguer; Cheo Participation year at FICM: 2015
2015 | Color | 14:57 Javier is a small rotten body without a soul that cannot control his hunger. He represents the guilt of his mother and the jelousy of his older brother; Martín. Everything rottens around them, they must burry Javier's body. A dark secret between Martín and his mother keep them from letting Javier go. Everything dies. Country: México Direction: Villaseñor Amador; Indra Script: Villaseñor Amador; Indra Production: López Munive; Juan, Villaseñor Amador; Indra, Villaseñor; Humberto Photography: López Munive; Juan Sound: Muñoz; David Music: Richter; Sara Cast:Gutiérrez; Fernando, Leví Villarruel; Óscar, Bravo; Myriam Art direction: Amador; Diana, Almaguer; Cheo Participation year at FICM: 2015
Pinky Promise Fifteen-year-old Miranda is pregnant after her first sexual encounter. She decides to ask Luisa, who is far from being her friend, to help her get an abortion. The two girls will share an afternoon of empathy and complicity that will end with a promise: to keep the secret. See More
Steam Two friends visit a female steam bath. Among the warm atmosphere and sensuality of the female nude both have a lesbian awakening. See More
The Prisoners of Korsakoff Doña Pita lives near the coast of Sinaloa. The place is calm and idilic, but she keeps a secret that hasn't let her leave town since more than twenty years. See More
Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 PEPE EL TORO appears in Cahiers 02 · 13 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25