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presentación libro
The Essence of Yucatecan Cinema: LA INVENCIÓN ICONOGRÁFICA by Maricruz Castro Ricalde
Ximena Cuevas
“A Formidable Artist”: The 21st FICM Paid Homage to Ricardo Nicolayevsky
Temporada de hurracanes
"Complex, Painful and Full of Joy": Elisa Miller On Her Adaptation of the Novel HURRICANE SEASON
Berlin People
BERLIN PEOPLE: an Opportunity to Document “the Music of Freedom”
Jorge Martínez Micher
Tribute to Fernando de Fuentes Begins at the 21st FICM with EL PRISIONERO 13
Viggo Mortensen
The Miracle of Making Films: Viggo Mortensen at THE DEAD DON'T HURT Press Conference
FICM Opens its 21st Edition with a Screening of Viggo Mortensen’s THE DEAD DON’T HURT
Funciones gratuitas
Don't miss #FICM2023’s free screenings!