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Elenco Valentina o la serenidad
Childhood and Grief: Ángeles Cruz Premieres VALENTINA O LA SERENIDAD at the 21st FICM
Daniela Michel
Daniela Michel Presented THE HOLDOVERS, by Alexander Payne, at the 21st FICM
Eva Longoria y Federico Cantini
"I was the only person who could direct this film": Eva Longoria Presented FLAMIN' HOT at the 21st FICM
Los colonos
“A story erased from the official page of Chile's history”: Felipe Gálvez at the Presentation of LOS COLONOS
Elenco de Perdidos en la noche
PERDIDOS EN LA NOCHE, by Amat Escalante, Had a Special Screening at the 21st FICM
Ginebra Elkann y Danny Huston
Ginevra Elkann and Danny Huston Present I TOLD YOU SO at the 21st FICM
El cisne negro
THE BLACK SWAN by Henry King at the 21st FICM
The book DIÁLOGOS ENTRE EL CINE Y OTROS SABERES, an Approach to Cinema from Other Disciplines at the 21st FICM