01 · 22 · 22 A Message from the Committee for the Prevention and Attention to Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Unwanted Behaviors Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard The Morelia International Film Festival (FICM) acknowledges that guaranteeing people's right to live a life free from violence and discrimination, especially for historically excluded groups such as women and sexually diverse people, is vital. Therefore, with help from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Mexico, we developed a protocol for the prevention and attention to sexual harassment to ensure all spaces are inclusive and free of sexual and gender-based violence in the different activities and projects that are carried out by FICM throughout the year. This protocol is based on good practices and international recommendations for the guarantee and protection of fundamental rights. In accordance with the protocol, FICM has established the Committee for the Prevention and Attention to Sexual Harassment and Unwanted Behaviors, which has integrated actions to provide care, support and guidance to prevent prohibited or unwanted behaviors, such as discrimination and sexual harassment, as well as measures to avoid possible reprisals. Contributing to an environment of trust and safety for all during the 19th edition of FICM. We are aware that our commitment to promoting cinema must come from a gender perspective and be founded on a principle of equality and non-discrimination, guaranteeing not only the same opportunities for women and men, but also safe spaces for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, or any other characteristic or condition. Consequently, FICM declares itself a space of zero tolerance for any type of violence, particularly violence against women and gender-based, as well as a place to promote actions that allow the building of inclusive and equitative communities. We want to contribute to the strengthening of the social fabric through the promotion of cinema in safe spaces that are free of violence. Let's make this edition a memorable film experience in an atmosphere of harmony and well-being. In the event that you are a victim or witness of any violent conduct, contact any staff member of the Morelia International Film Festival or the FICM offices located at Melchor Ocampo 35, col. Centro, Morelia. Some prohibited behaviors at FICM: Compliments: referring to or commenting on the appearance of people without their request or encouragement or expressing sexual intentions. Taking/sharing photos without consent. Discriminating against pregnant women. Making sexual requests, comments with sexual connotations or inappropriate in the context. Condemn, ignore or punish outrage, particularly from women or people from the LGBTQIA+ community, who make a violence complaint. Lewd touching or rubbing. Comment on someone's outfit without the person asking for it. Sexual innuendo and leering. Sharing videos with sexual or erotic content of minors, even with their consent. Displaying content of a sexual nature. Regarding these behaviors, it does not matter if the intention is "complimentary", playful or meant as a joke. Criminal conduct (in compliance with criminal codes and current legislation): Workplace and sexual harassment (between colleagues in the same hierarchy) Work and sexual harassment (superior to subordinate person) Sexual abuse Exhibitionism Rape Feminicide