10 · 21 · 17 Locarno Industry Academy International workshop begins - Morelia - IMCINE at 15th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gustavo R. Gallardo As part of the efforts of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM) to support young people in areas of the film industry, the Locarno Industry Academy International - Morelia - IMCINE workshop was inaugurated by festival's general director, Daniela Michel, and the general director of the Mexican Film Institute (IMCINE), Jorge Sánchez. Daniela Michel welcomed and thanked Jorge Sánchez for being part of "the formation of young people" and his contribution to promoting the workshop. For his part, the director of IMCINE said that they are looking for "more agile and friendly ways to reach the viewers" and that the Locarno workshop is one of them: "We are concerned with Mexican cinema reaching its audience. We would have liked to have the access that you are going to have," he told the young people. Jorge Sánchez. As a FICM initiative, in collaboration with the Locarno Film Festival and the Mexican Film Institute, the Locarno Industry Academy International - Morelia - IMCINE workshop seeks to support young people in the film industry who work in the areas of distribution, exhibition, programming, among others, to understand how to work in independent cinema in Latin America and the world. The workshop will be held until October 25 at the 15th FICM and will have eight participants (five Mexicans and three foreigners), who will be given the opportunity to expand their network of contacts and open doors for themselves in various markets.