10 · 03 · 09 Tribute to Fanny Cano Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez Rodríguez said he was very pleased that thanks to this tribute the Cano family - who had no previous contact with the festival - could attend the inauguration of the photo exhibit in honor of the actress. “We have Elvira Rosa Cano, the actress’s sister and María Isabel Cano, her niece with us today,” he said. Julissa expressed her appreciation for the tribute and spoke about Cano’s spiritual life. “She was a very spiritual woman. Taking into consideration the epoch and the film world in which she worked it is very admirable. In fact, when the terrible accident occurred in which she lost her life, she was returning from India where she would go to meditate. She liked India so much that I think she had property there. And in those years meditation was not in vogue as it is today.” The exhibit displays photos and posters of the actress, who was discovered by Cantinflás and who participated in more than 40 films. She also founded a production company with her associates Julissa and Jaime Valdez. Las cautivas, which was shown at the tribute, was among the films produced by the company. Translated by Cindy Hawes.