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Yesterday Héctor Babenco asked his public about his movie El pasado.

After El pasado ended, Hector Babenco talked with his audience about his work. The public was speechless with awe so the moderator asked Babenco about his decision of adapting a book to a movie.

″One does not find things, things find us, choosing is always strange, one never really knows why he/she chooses something or the other, if we knew it would be very boring to choose. I never know why I want to do a movie; I just know I want to make it; after finishing a movie I start to realize why I decided to make it.”

In a non-serious way Babenco said: “I’ve never had a woman like Sofia (the main character), and I have been married a couple of times, now I am single, available, I’ll give you girls my number in a little while” (the audience laughed). Babenco preffered to talk about what the audience saw and he told a girl in the audience to ask him something. She nervously said that she wanted to know about the psychological and pathological state of Sofia, Babenco answered:

″Of course she isn’t a very common woman. She is one of those crazy people who doesn’t seem crazy. The real crazy people are those who seem really normal, but they have something inside that makes them do unexpected things.”

His movie is based on a novel by an Argentinean writer called Alan Pauls. It took Babenco a year to rewrite 8 different scripts of the book until he got it right. “Rimini’s story is just one of many in the book. I was really interested on the fact that currently woman’s freedom is greater than man’s, finally, thank god. Finally, women do not feel oppressed or in disadvantage while facing this male universe. I am straight and I respect women a lot, and I really love them.”

At this point many good comments came up, by the way they were all mentioned by women. They mentioned that they do feel close to the story and they feel like the director really understands them.

At the end Babenco mentioned that he dedicates his film to all those women that have loved him.