10 · 25 · 15 Screening of The War Zone at the 13th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Fabiola Aguilar Díaz, (@panoramafunky), jefa de información Tim Roth began his acting career at age 21. He got his first starring role in Made in Britain (1982) by Alan Clarke and he was launched to fame in Hollywood with Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994), both directed by Quentin Tarantino, who has attended FICM on three occasions. In 1999, he debuted as a director with The War Zone, which won the CICAE award at the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) and the award for Best First Film at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, among other prizes for the film, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. Tim Roth For FICM it is an honor to have the presence of Tim Roth at its 13th edition and we are especially grateful to the British Council México for making his visit possible. You can watch an interview with Roth: here.