02 · 09 · 14 Great moments in film history behind the scenes Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Knowing how something is made does not mean losing the illusion, on the contrary, it’s another way of appreciating the work and talent behind it. So, based on an article by Flavorwire, we present the images of some of the most famous films in history during their making. Usually the most impressive behind the scenes photos are related to fantasy and science fiction films; it’s satisfying to discover the mechanics behind a set like the one in Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang, or the massive amounts of makeup required to turn Jeff Goldblum into a humanoid insect in David Cronenberg’s The Fly (1986). However, there is also something special in studying a director’s expressions while doing his job, even if it does not imply more artifice than the one inherent in cinematographic language. In this gallery we tried to include a little bit of everything, from huge Hollywood productions, to auteur cinema favorites. We hope these photos serve as inspiration to young filmmakers or, at least, that they shine a new light on some scenes that have permeated the collective imagination of cinephiles all over the world.