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Being part of a festival is an enormous opportunity

Filmed in different countries like Colombia, the Czech Republic and Mexico, the short films that make up Program 2 in the festival competition offer us a rich range of languages, stories and places.

Antonio Coello’s film Chimbumbe, is spoken in a language that has all but disappeared called Palenquera, which is a blend of Spanish, Portuguese and Bantuk, which is spoken in San Basilio Palenque, Colombia. In the case of Rodrigo Santos’ short film Garantía de por vida, it is spoken in Czech. Jean Marc Rosseau Ruiz’s film Beyond the Mexican Bay, is in both French and Spanish. Meanwhile, Roberto Pável Rodríguez’s film Xankuchka ia is in the indigenous language of P’urhépecha.

At a press conference, the short film directors said that making these films in other languages did not create a barrier for people to see them. On the contrary, they thought that staying faithful to the stories and origin of their characters is important because language reflects the culture of each place.
They added that being at a festival such as Morelia is an enormous opportunity as many people get to see their work, sharing their opinions and impressions.

Sebastián Hiriart’s film Perspectiva, and Nicolás Pereda’s Entrevista con la tierra, are the other films that make up Program 2 of the short films that are in competition.