11 · 04 · 12 Feature Lenght Documentary: Three Voices Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard 1. Why did you decide to tell this story? Many of the great stories in film are love stories. But this is not a common theme in documentaries. I was interested in addressing a theme that affects us in a more everyday, day-to-day, way. Love hurts and excites us. It affects all of us in one way or another, and it is subjected to the passing of time. People are also subjected to the passing of time. 2. How did you go about organizing your work team? With Erick, the photography director, who I've had a longtime friendship. We already had worked together on the documentary called Llegando al Cielo. Then, when I began this project, I didn't hesitate to contact him. I also met Carlos Espinosa in that project and we became friends and he has been a fundamental part of the project since the beginning. I've also known the other members of the postproduction team and edition for many years. In a certain way, it was like reuniting with old friends who are very patient with me. 3. What was the biggest challenge you faced making the film? In addition to the obvious challenges that making a limited budget documentary implies and asking for many favors, the most important challenge was a personal one and it has to do with my own personal development. Many things have happened in my life in recent years and to be able to end a project under these conditions was a personal challenge for me. 4. What kind of films would you like to continue making? I like genre films; since I was a little girl I've liked films that deal with psychological themes and terror. I also like atmosphere and space, perhaps because of my formation as an architect. This is the kind of cinema I'd like to explore. 5. What does it mean to you having been selected to participate in the 10th edition of FICM? It's a great honor, and I feel very proud to be among such talented people. I greatly admire the festival and its wonderful staff for promoting Mexican cinema and new emerging filmmakers. I think the selection of films for the festival is very diverse, which speaks of a work team that is committed to giving an individual voice to each one of the works exhibited.