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Interview with Álvaro Zendejas

Álvaro Zendejas director of “L´instant avant”, winner of the Experimental Short Film competition

By Clara Sánchez. Photos: Paulo Vidales /Imagen Latente (Thursday, November 3rd, 2005)
How did you choose this subject??It’s a combination of a great deal of things. I’ve always tried to make good quality short films. At the time, I was working with a local filmmaker, I had very little sleep, had to go to school, and was reading Salvador Elizondo’s “Farabeuf o la Crónica de un instante”, a book that talks about mutilation. I wasn’t really happy with the filmmaker I was working with, so when I finally had some free time, I made a short. I decided the film’s climax had to be right before the mutilation, and I knew I wanted to use images of surgical instruments.

How long did it take to complete the film?
About two days; I filmed it in two hours, and spent the rest of the time editing it and creating special effects.

What does a mutilation mean to you??I’m no fan; it’s not my favorite subject. It was just an element that I thought would stand out because it’s shocking, and very graphic.

How did audiences in Morelia react to your film?
They liked it; people asked me why I made it in French. I didn’t do so well in Tijuana, though, there’s a web page where filmmakers write each other comments, and some said: “I simply hated it.” I had already sent it to Morelia, so I was really worried, and thought: “I’d rather they wouldn’t see it!”

Which other festivals will your film be at?
I don’t know how they found out about my work in Scotland, but it will screen at the Dead by Dawn Festival there, and at Cannes.