10 · 28 · 21 Volker Schlöndorf Unveiled a Plaque in his Honor at Cinépolis Centro Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Andrea Mora On Thursday, October 28, the Cinépolis Centro lobby was the meeting place that brought together Daniela Michel, director of FICM; Volker Schlöndorf, German filmmaker; María Novaro, director of the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), and Cuahutémoc Cárdenas Batel, vice president of the festival. The reason for this meeting was the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the last edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM). One of the event's big surprises was the announcement of the screening of the most recent documentary by the German filmmaker. The Forest Maker will have its presentation on Friday, October 29, at 7:15 p.m. in Cinépolis Centro, where Volker Schlöndorf will also be present. Although it is his third time in Morelia, Schlöndorf said he was happy to be present and grateful to the festival for allowing him to screen his new work. The documentary addresses the agrarian situation in Africa as a result of climate change. Volker Schlöndorf is one of the most recognized directors of the new German cinema. Since his debut with Young Törless (1966), an award-winning film at the Cannes festival, his great talent and his special ability to direct became evident. Few have known how to make true cinematographic works of adaptations like the German director. A pesar de haber iniciado sus estudios en sociología, Maria Novaro encontró su verdadera pasión en el y tiene una amplia trayectoria en el cine. Tras el éxito que logró con su primer filme, Danzón (1991), se integró al Colectivo Mujer Cine y siguió realizando documentales, siempre con una mirada social.