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We live in a world where the win/lose dialectic; Raúl Ruíz

Ruiz, who has made over 93 films, added that the world turned into a game after the fall of the Berlin Wall: “There are four possibilities: chance, representation, competition, and vertigo. All crimes are related to this game. There are 87 million beggars in Europe. The film industry belongs to the same system that teaches us to ignore people without teeth.”

Ruiz believes that trying making a film in order to gain lots of money or being awarded prestigious prizes means you’ve forgotten to confront reality: “We have forgotten how to make films for the pleasure of making them: a film is about the way life moves, and Latin American films are always fighting against Main Stream Hollywood movies, while at the same time dying to make films like the ones they criticize. They don’t have the will to claim their own narratives.”

The Chilean filmmaker, who has lived in France since 1973, added that one of the most serious problems facing the film industry in Latin America is the little support it receives from the government: “John Stuart Mill said that the law of commerce, based on production, distribution, and consumption, did not apply to art, which cannot enter micro and macro economic schemes.”

Ruiz concluded by affirming that it’s crucial to adopt the strategies of more successful countries, like France or Taiwan, because “they believe a film is an opportunity for promoting their country, that is why the support filmmakers and try to distribute movies abroad as much as possible.”