08 · 25 · 10 Last Days to Apply for “International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2010” Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez translated by Cindy Hawes Aspiring candidates between the ages of 25 to 35 can apply in either of the two areas: International Young Screen Entrepreneur (IYSE) or International Young Interactive Entrepreneur (IYIE). Those applying for The International Young Screen Entrepreneur (IYSE) can be drawn from any of the following areas: development, production and post-production; distribution and/or sales; exhibition – cinema/venue and/or festival/event programming and management; journalism (print and broadcast) and publishing; marketing and public relations; promotion and education; and consultants providing specialized services in any of the areas mentioned above. Those applying for The International Young Interactive Entrepreneur (IYIE) can be drawn from any of the following areas of the interactive sector: editors of leisure software; developers and specialists in marketing; interactive entertainment developers for the Internet, digital television, radio and cell phones; interactive and digital media; Internet multimedia and web design; multimedia and interactive event production, experimental media or consultants providing specialized services in any of the areas mentioned above. Winners will receive an all-expenses-paid, 12-day trip to the UK, as well as the opportunity to attend the London Film Festival. They will be announced on September 7, at 6:30 p.m., at the Cineteca Nacional. Acclaimed British composer Michael Nyman will be the guest of honor at the event. If you would like to apply, go to http://www.britishcouncil.org/es/mexico-yce-convocatoria-2010.htm