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Tommy Lee Jones Paints a Portrait of his Region

“Guillermo Arriaga loves this festival and Alejandro Ramírez is a good friend of mine. We’re really happy to have had the opportunity of bringing the film to Mexico. We’re taking it to Nuevo Laredo next.”

Jones, who received the Best Actor Award at Cannes for his role as Pete Perkins, Melquíades’ loyal friend, expressed he found great satisfaction in working with Mexican actors: “They’re very good actors, without being petulant, which one is grateful for. There were no major problems or setbacks during the shooting.”

In spite of the fact that Los tres entierros de Melquíades Estrada takes place in the Mexico-US border region, and the film’s main characters are illegal immigrants and border patrols, Jones stated that he was not trying to make a political film: “Mi film speaks about my region, about its people, its heart and soul. If audiences see it as a critique of the government, that’s up to them, because the film speaks for itself. I had no intention to make a political film.”

Tommy Lee Jones walked down the red carpet with his wife, Dawn Jones, the film’s still photographer, and his daughter, January Jones, who plays the role of Lou Ann, the border patrol’s wife, in the film.