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Tierra Madre, story with a heart

Directed by Dylan Verrechia, this film portrays the ups and downs in the life of Aideé González, who decided to film the story of her life with the support of her family and friends.

During the presentation, Aideé explained that one of the reasons she made the film was to show her life as a true story that depicts the other side of Mexico’s northern border “where not everything is violence.”

“I grew up in Tijuana and I wanted to show that there are also good things there,” commented the producer/actress who openly revealed how she earned her living as a table dancer, her love affairs with other women, and her betrayals.

Dylan Verrechia explained that “this film is another way of viewing the world, since Aideé shows how she has been able to get ahead thanks to the love of her family and her partners.

Winner of the Lei Prize at the International Film Festival of Honolulu 2010, Tierra Madre portrays a woman who is determined to raise her children with her female partner along the border.