10 · 25 · 22 TELL IT LIKE A WOMAN Arrives at the 20th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Daniel G. Hernández The film Tell It Like A Woman made its debut at the 20th Morelia International Film Festival. The presentation was made by one of the film's producers, Lukas Akoskin. Directed by Silvia Carobbio, Catherine Hardwicke, Taraji P. Henson, Mipo Oh, Lucía Puenzo, Maria Sole Tognazzi, and Leena Yadav, the film is made up of seven short stories, each focusing on a female lead. With determination and courage, each of the women in the stories faces different situations that make them stronger and more self-aware. Lukas Akoskin Lukas told us about We Do It Together, the non-profit foundation that helped make the film. "It means men and women," he commented regarding the importance of teamwork to clean up the current paradigm of society. “We are together, we are equals,” with these words, Akoskin showed that his values are aligned with the values of the film. Additionally, the Argentine producer spoke to us about the challenges of the film. For example, most of the cast had to be of Italian nationality, otherwise, a part of the project's funding would have been lost. Another challenge during the shooting of the film was that many people had prejudices about the female work team behind the production of the film. Lastly, the producer shared the things that stuck with him about the movie. First, he reflected on the roles in which he partakes in on his day-to-day and that are closely connected to a woman, then he closed by saying: "It’s my duty to change things so that my daughter can live in a healthier society. “We don’t need to bring men down to lift women up, that is not necessary. Women and men should meet in the same place because we are the same. Let's look forward and grow together,” concluded Lukas Akoskin.