10 · 21 · 10 Tarantino at the screening of Chang: a Drama of Wilderness Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Doris Morales translated by Gobi Stromberg Without knowing the gift that the FICM would be offering on Wednesday afternoon, the public began to gradually take their seats; and the only thing that hinted that this screening would be different was that there was a piano below the screen, a microphone and some metal instruments in a small box. As the moments passed, the French director Nicolas Philibert, the Mexican actress Patricia Bernal, representatives of other festivals, some known faces, but most of all the massive public that the FICM has been able to assemble, were now occupying the 5th projection room of the Cinépolis Centro. And when everything indicated that the screening would begin, who should appear through the tunnel to the auditorium, but Quentin Tarantino, accompanied by Alejandro Ramirez, President of FICM, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Vice-president of FICM y Daniela Michel, Director of FICM. The delighted public received him with applause and the screening began, after Mara Fortes thanked the projectionists for their work, considering that it was a 35 mm film. Chang: A Drama of Wilderness was exhibited on a restored copy and with the musical accompaniment on piano played by Deborah Silberer; the effects and the voice were those of singer Juan Pablo Villa.