10 · 02 · 09 Tarantino loves his characters Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Administrador Por Clara Sánchez/Translated by Cindy HawesA smiling Tarantino was attentive and friendly with the press who questioned him and actor Eli Roth about the story that came to life that addresses the struggle between Germans and U.S. Jews during World War II. The U.S. director said the script was so long that it could have been a series and that there is a possibility of filming a prequel as well as a sequence. “I’m very intrigued about taking characters from what happens before and after the film,” he said. Actor Eli Roth who presents his film Hostal on Sunday was asked what it was like working with Tarantino. “Quentin is a marvelous director who has love and compassion for all his characters. It was military operation. Quentin was the coronel and gave me orders in a very warm way. We all had to be prepared every day, give 100 percent to our characters,” he said. Tarantino, who is in Morelia for the first time, talked about the way he sees his characters. “As a writer, I have the luxury and the privilege of never judging them,” he said. “I created them and love them all. The characters are human beings. They weren’t born Nazis. Every character has a reason for being who they are. If I treated them as good or bad, then they could never be human beings.”