10 · 08 · 08 Silberer puts music to El tren fantasma Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez/Translated by Caroline MacKinnon Yesterday, Deborah Silberer played music for the screening of Gabriel García Moreno’s film El tren fantasma, one of the few – among five or six (explained program coordinater Joaquín Rodríguez) feature-length silent films to have come out of Mexico. “Since the beginning of the festival we have had one other silent film program and it was well received by the audience. On Monday, Michael Nyman played the piano to - Nice - À propos de Jean Vigo and today the UNAM Filmoteca presented this silent Mexican film. It is not a restored copy nor is it in the best conditions, as was the case with Puño de Hierro.” El tren fantasma was filmed in 1927 by Gabriel García Moreno. “It is an example of film made in the countryside, and forms part of a very important movement that was going in Mexico from 1910 to 1930.”