06 · 03 · 10 Señora Pájaro receives award from CANACINE Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez Decroux tells the story of Lara, a sick little girl who, while watching life go by from her balcony, discovers Sole, a woman who has lost her desire to live, on a neighboring balcony. They both establish a relationship at a distance, through silences and glances. Fernando Luján received the Best Actor award for his work in Cinco días sin Nora (Five Days without Nora) by Mariana Chenillo, winner of the Public’s Prize at FICM 2009. The film is about Nora, an elderly woman who before dying devises a plan to make José, her ex-husband, take care of her funeral. But the only flaw in the plan – a mysterious photo left under the bed – will lead to an unexpected outcome that remind us that sometimes the greatest love stories are hidden in the smallest places. The feature film Los que se quedan (Those That Remain) by Juan Carlos Rulfo and Carlos Hagerman, whose special showing was at the sixth edition of FICM, won the prize for Best Documentary. The film captures through everyday scenes an intimate portrait of those who migrate to the United States, a country that for some represents opportunity while for others -- those families that stay behind on this side of the Rio Grande -- silence, nostalgia, and memory. The film depicts the lives of those who leave, those who remain, and those who return. Complete list of winners: Best Mexican Film Backyard. El TraspatioBest Mexican Actor of the Year Fernando Luján – Cinco días sin Nora Best Mexican Actress of the Year Ana de la Reguera – Backyard. El Traspatio Most Promising Actor of the Year Rodrigo Corea – Oveja Negra Most Promising Actress of the Year Martina García – Amar o Morir Mexican Director of the Year Carlos Carrera – Backyard. El Traspatio Best Publicity Campaign for a Mexican Film Otra película de huevos... y un pollo – Videocine Best Song in a Mexican Film Mírame bien/Interprete: Sofía Maqueo/Película: El Estudiante Best Animated Mexican Film Otra película de huevos... y un pollo Best Documentary Los que se quedan Best Short Film Señora Pájaro Career Recognition in the Industry Fernando Sariñana