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Searching for short films by indigenous people

[imagne]Yesterday, Yumey Besu and Leire Fernández from the UNESCO regional culture office presented the ‘Chamber of Diversity Project’ at the Indigenous Peoples Forum. The project is involved in encouraging the production of indigenous films in Latin America and the Caribbean. The program also tries to cover their distribution, research, sensitization and preservation.

“What we are focusing on now is creating a distribution network, that is why we going to compile films that can be shown at different festivals. Right now in Morelia we hope that there are indigenous directors that want to share their films with us that we can show in other places. We have done this in festivals in Chile, Colombia and Spain,” Fernández said.

They are also looking for funding to subtitle the films into English and French. “So that people can learn more about what it is we do, we invite you to visit our web page for the Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano. We are also looking for producers from the rest of North America who can help us with projects that are being done in Central and South America.

“Canada is interested in doing a traveling version of the Festival de los Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia (Bolivia Indigenous Peoples Festival) as a part of different festivals. We hope to be able to bring it to Mexico,” Besú said.