10 · 26 · 10 Retour de Flamme in The Economist Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez translated by Cindy Hawes Festival director Daniela Michel said the first time she saw Bromberg’ s program, called Retour de Flamme, was at the Telebright Festival. In Morelia, Bromberg showed some of his best recent finds from flea markets, second-hand shops and attics around the world. He creates a special atmosphere by accompanying the silent films on the piano. The “ show,” as Bromberg describes it, was one of the most successful events at 8th FICM, according to Tom Wainwright, The Economist bureau chief for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. If you would like to see the complete article, go to http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2010/10/morelia_international_film_festival