10 · 27 · 22 Restored Short Films by Ripstein, Echevarría, Gámez, and Leduc at the 20th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Daniel G. Hernández The Short Film Production Center (CPC) is presenting two programs at the 20th Morelia International Film Festival. With five newly restored short films by Mexican directors Arturo Ripstein, Nicolás Echevarría, Rubén Gámez, and Paul Leduc, some of them premiering for the first time, since they couldn’t be screened at the time. The Short Film Production Center is an institution with the aim of promoting documentaries that record government issues, but also represent cinematographic works made with creative freedom. The selection includes La causa, by Arturo Ripstein; Teshuinada and Poetas Campesinos, by Nicolás Echevarría; Día de México, by Rubén Gámez, and Sur: Sureste 2604, by Paul Leduc. The shorts were presented by the Collection Coordinator of the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), Mezli Silva.