2011 | Color | 19 min 0 seg In a town nestled in the mountains of the State of Puebla, the community elects their local queen to represent them for a year. They choose a young woman from a good family, with a good reputation and liked by the locals. Who did they choose this year and why? What does her reign actually mean? Country: México Direction: Goded; Maya Script: Goded; Maya Production: Sosa; Martha Photography: Goded; Maya Sound: Hernández Montero; Miguel Cast:Reyes Silva; Higinia, Edith Reyes Silva; Lucía, Mendoza Carrera; Familia, Mendoza Carrera; Elday, Magdalena Castillo Reyes; Maria, Pacheco Pacheco; Sarita Participation year at FICM: 2011
2011 | Color | 19 min 0 seg In a town nestled in the mountains of the State of Puebla, the community elects their local queen to represent them for a year. They choose a young woman from a good family, with a good reputation and liked by the locals. Who did they choose this year and why? What does her reign actually mean? Country: México Direction: Goded; Maya Script: Goded; Maya Production: Sosa; Martha Photography: Goded; Maya Sound: Hernández Montero; Miguel Cast:Reyes Silva; Higinia, Edith Reyes Silva; Lucía, Mendoza Carrera; Familia, Mendoza Carrera; Elday, Magdalena Castillo Reyes; Maria, Pacheco Pacheco; Sarita Participation year at FICM: 2011
Ciudad Ciudad isn’t a traditional portrait of a city; rather, the documentary offers a layered encounter with what emerges from within it. Carlos F. Rossini invites Maya Goded, Julio Hernández Cordón, and Nuria Ibáñez to co-direct an exploration of the gestures of Mexico City. The four directors choose their own unique starting points to immerse the viewer in an experience that presents a series of images—almost mirages— of this monumental metropolis. See More
Plaza de la Soledad Carmen, Lety, Raquel and Esther, who range from 50 to 80 years old, work the streets of La Merced in Mexico City, where life revolves around a town plaza. Age means nothing to these women, who still dance and seduce with the same energy they did in their youth. But with time comes a desire to seek out companionship and security, whether in the form of their fellow co-workers, older men, or their own deeply ingrained sense of self-reliance. See More
A List of Mexicans Who Have Won an Oscar... Updated! 03 · 02 · 25 Carlos Diegues (1940-2025) and BYE BYE BRASIL 02 · 27 · 25 Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25