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Roberto is a successful thirty-two-year-old banker with a demanding life: a job that keeps him busy even on weekends; his talented girlfriend Elia, a biologist he’s been with for six years; and, in his spare time, some soccer, beer, and Cris—a twenty-year-old guy he met through a gay dating app. Cris will make him wonder if he’s leading the life he wants, or a life others expect him to have.

Country: México
Direction: Tobar; Marcelo
Script: Tobar; Marcelo. Basado en la obra teatral homónima de Drew Fornarola y Scott Elmegreen.
Production: Trujillo; Rodrigo, Uriel; Óscar
Photography: Quintana; María
Sound: López; Valeria, Sánchez; Miguel Ángel
Music: Dávila; Rodrigo
Cast:Speitzer; Alejandro, López; Bárbara, Masini; Franco
Art direction: Achar; Adelle
Participation year at FICM: 2023

Director Movies

Polar Bear

Heriberto gives two old friends a ride to an elementary school reunion. Along the way—which is full of car malfunctions, stories, and booze—Heri tries to reconnect with them, but Flor and Trujillo start replicating the same abusive dynamics they inflicted on him when they were kids. Heri, no longer his old submissive self, will give them the surprise of their lives.

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