2002 | Color | 9 min 50 seg Two youths look for work. This is the story that precedes and follows a supposed job opening for murderers. Country: México Direction: González Camargo; Adrián Script: González Camargo; Adrián Production: Arroyo; Juan Pablo Photography: Soler; Anna Sound: Palafox; Leonardo Music: Palafox; Leonardo Cast:Pérez Gallo; Omar, Solache; Edwin, Servín; Leticia, González Camargo; Adrián, Arteaga; Gabriel, Camargo; Leticia, Coria; Neftalí Art direction: Arteaga; Gabriel Participation year at FICM: 2003
2002 | Color | 9 min 50 seg Two youths look for work. This is the story that precedes and follows a supposed job opening for murderers. Country: México Direction: González Camargo; Adrián Script: González Camargo; Adrián Production: Arroyo; Juan Pablo Photography: Soler; Anna Sound: Palafox; Leonardo Music: Palafox; Leonardo Cast:Pérez Gallo; Omar, Solache; Edwin, Servín; Leticia, González Camargo; Adrián, Arteaga; Gabriel, Camargo; Leticia, Coria; Neftalí Art direction: Arteaga; Gabriel Participation year at FICM: 2003
El origen de las princesas Tamara teaches her daughter Emilia to be a witch. When Emilia dies in an accident, Tamara must find the chosen one in order to perpetuate herself, or else she’ll be the last of her kind. Tamara meets Sebastián, a nurse in a psychiatric hospital. To convince him and fulfill her mission, she tells him two stories. See More
Andrea Within a Box Patricia and her partner Andrea have an argument over their life together, leaving their relationship in limbo. When Patricia leaves for a work trip, Andrea makes a decision to which might change their lives forever. TEST EN See More
January After murdering his wife, Horacio runs away with his lover, Lucrecia. Hidden in a cabin in the country, they try to maintain their love, which is impossible to sustain. Desperation and guilt force them to face their own limits. See More
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