2012 | Color | 3:38 min Nacho López was a great photographer of the twentieth century, whose teachings on the process of physical-chemical photography are still current. Today, in the digital age, when the magic of developing a photograph in the darkroom is fading, we travel in time through a dark room to live the moment when Nacho López developed and printed his first photograph. Country: México Direction: López España; Uriel Script: López España; Uriel Production: Altavia; Leda Photography: Rodríguez; Rodrigo, Ramos; Pablo Sound: Carbajal; Violeta, Elizondo; Melissa Participation year at FICM: 2013
2012 | Color | 3:38 min Nacho López was a great photographer of the twentieth century, whose teachings on the process of physical-chemical photography are still current. Today, in the digital age, when the magic of developing a photograph in the darkroom is fading, we travel in time through a dark room to live the moment when Nacho López developed and printed his first photograph. Country: México Direction: López España; Uriel Script: López España; Uriel Production: Altavia; Leda Photography: Rodríguez; Rodrigo, Ramos; Pablo Sound: Carbajal; Violeta, Elizondo; Melissa Participation year at FICM: 2013
Tu’un Savi I left my home in Ñuu Savi when I was 15 years old, going on to explore worlds that were different from my own. After I began to train as a documentary filmmaker, I grew interested in learning my family’s language, which I was forbidden to speak as a child. By the time I return, my father has passed away, and his language with him. In this documentary, I search for Tu’un Savi through its speakers. See More
Bruno Dumont and HADEWIJCH: FICM 2009 02 · 20 · 25 Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 PEPE EL TORO appears in Cahiers 02 · 13 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25