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2002 | Color | 19 min

Hands Game. Augustín leads a relaxed life until, during a night of partying and excess, Christ appears before him. Believing he is a saint, Augustín struggles to demonstrate it

Country: México
Direction: Andrade Pease; Alejandro
Script: Palma; Andy, Andrade Pease; Alejandro
Production: Valdéz; Mitl
Photography: Miranda; Ignacio
Music: Schwartz; Benny, Aveleyra; Paco
Cast:Flores; Liliana, Becerril; Tarek, Guindi; Elizabeth, Cassab; Eduardo, Bucio; Bernardo, Busto; Humberto, Ramírez; Alejandro
Art direction: Fuentes; Ivonne
Participation year at FICM: 2003

Director Movies

Fine Young Men

Hombres Íntegros

Alf returns to his Catholic school and meets a new student, Oliver, who captivates him, leading him away from his lifelong friends. But when things get rough, Alf betrays this attraction, opting instead to prove his masculinity to the others. This choice has dire consequences that will leave an indelible mark on all of them forever.

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