2009 | Color | 1h 11min A group of huicholes wants a film made about their religious and social customs, as they feel it is vital to pass on their culture to new generations to prevent it from being lost over time. The huicholes are pilgrims, deer hunters, and they eat peyote. Today, they face many challenges in their effort to continue their beliefs and lifestyle. Country: México Direction: Álvarez; José Production: Romandía; Jaime, Célis; Nicolás, Fitzsimons; Hugh, Romandía; Fernanda Photography: González-Rubio; Pedro, Romandía; Fernanda Sound: Díaz; Sergio Music: Delgado; Martin, Bautista; José, González; Jesús Cast:Carrillo López; Antonio, Villa Jiménez; Marcela, Bautista; Ricardo, de La Cruz; Nicolasa, Villa Jiménez; Yolanda, Carrillo Bautista; Angélica, Bautista; Efrén, Mile (Miere);, González de la Cruz; Jesús, Carrillo; Rosita, Bautista; Mónico, Bautista Villa; Karina, Villa Jiménez; Pedro, Tutu “La flor”;, Bautista Villa; Juan, Carrillo Bautista; Andrés, Bautista Villa; José, Carrillo Bautista; Antonio, Comunidad del pueblo de San José; Participation year at FICM: 2009
2009 | Color | 1h 11min A group of huicholes wants a film made about their religious and social customs, as they feel it is vital to pass on their culture to new generations to prevent it from being lost over time. The huicholes are pilgrims, deer hunters, and they eat peyote. Today, they face many challenges in their effort to continue their beliefs and lifestyle. Country: México Direction: Álvarez; José Production: Romandía; Jaime, Célis; Nicolás, Fitzsimons; Hugh, Romandía; Fernanda Photography: González-Rubio; Pedro, Romandía; Fernanda Sound: Díaz; Sergio Music: Delgado; Martin, Bautista; José, González; Jesús Cast:Carrillo López; Antonio, Villa Jiménez; Marcela, Bautista; Ricardo, de La Cruz; Nicolasa, Villa Jiménez; Yolanda, Carrillo Bautista; Angélica, Bautista; Efrén, Mile (Miere);, González de la Cruz; Jesús, Carrillo; Rosita, Bautista; Mónico, Bautista Villa; Karina, Villa Jiménez; Pedro, Tutu “La flor”;, Bautista Villa; Juan, Carrillo Bautista; Andrés, Bautista Villa; José, Carrillo Bautista; Antonio, Comunidad del pueblo de San José; Participation year at FICM: 2009
The Gaze of the Sea Hortencia, a woman from Tuxpan with a stormy past, embarks on a journey by sea and by land to collect testimonies and memories from the crew of a fishing boat that disappeared five years ago in the waters of Veracruz. Gradually, the trip becomes a reflection on the meaning of life and death, rooted in the mythologies and deepest yearnings of the people she meets along the way. See More
Venus In the Catholic religious tradition known as Mayordomía, devotees of Mary Magdalene wait their turn to ask her for favors and thank her in private, certain that they are being heard by someone who will take their pleas to God. See More
Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 PEPE EL TORO appears in Cahiers 02 · 13 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25 MÉXICO, MÉXICO, RA, RA, RA, RA after half a century 01 · 16 · 25