02 · 10 · 13 Para armar un helicóptero triumphs at Clermont-Ferrand Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard The International Short Film Festival - Clermont-Ferrand, which took place from February 1 to 9, is considered one of the most important plataforms for the worldwide diffusion of short films. Para armar un helicóptero by Izabel Acevedo was granted the top award at the International Competition, comprised of 79 short films of all genres and formats. Clermont-Ferrand’s International Competition jury was formed by the French screenwriter and director Beryl Koltz; the American painter and illustrator Chris Buzelli; the Iranian filmmaker Reza Serkanian; the Indian director and producer Umesh Kulkarni; and the Brazilian screnwriter, director and design producer Daniela Thomas. Para armar un helicóptero tells the story of Oliveiro, a 17 year old who spends his time playing video games, even though electricity is unstable and in short supply. When the summer rains start, a short circuit puts an end to the building’s connection to the electrical system. New ideas on how to get power arise. Acevedo granted the FICM an interview in which she stated that the biggest challenge of making her film, besides the usual problems related to working in a large chaotic place like Mexico City, was “to look at and interpret the present. We've assimilated the past more and we imagine the future however we like, but the present is difficult to see, and that was the great challenge.” The success of Para armar un helicóptero at Clermont-Ferrand proves that Acevedo rose to the challenge in an outstanding manner.