09 · 27 · 18 Nicolas Philibert will present his documentary De Chaque Instant at the 16th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard The French filmmaker Nicolas Philibert, will present for the first time in Latin America his most recent documentary, De chaque instant (2018) at the 16th edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), which will take place from the 20th to the 28th of October. De chaque instant narrates the ups and downs of thousands of students who enroll each year in a nursing school where they attend classes and work as interns. An intense and difficult course during which they will have to absorb a large amount of information and prepare themselves to assume serious responsibilities confronting the wounds of the soul and the human body. Nicolas Philibert will also be part of the international jury that will grant the Impulso Morelia 4 award, along with Josué Méndez, artistic director of the Lima Film Festival, and Mirsad Purivatra, director of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Philibert, dear friend to the FICM and Special Guest of the festival in 2008 and 2010, studied Philosophy and began his career as an assistant to René Allio and Alain Tanner. In 1978 he filmed his first feature film with Gérard Mordillat, La voix de son maître. Since then, through more than fifteen titles, his work has become an essential point of reference in the documentary genre. The films La ville Louvre (1990), Le pays des sourds (1992), La moindre des choses (1996), the celebrated Être et avoir (2002), Nénette (2010) and La Maison de la Radio (2013), stand out.