11 · 04 · 05 Muxe´s talk about their work in Alejandra Islas documentary. Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Por Clara Sánchez Fotos Paulo Vidales (Viernes 4 de noviembre 2005) By Clara Sánchez. Photographs by: Paulo Vidales (Friday, november 4th, 2005)Some of the Muxes that appeared in the documentary Muxe´s auténticas intrépidas, buscadoras de peligro attended the screening of the film in Morelia. This documentary also formed part of the official selection at the Río de Janeiro Festival, and also traveled to festivals in Amiens, Miami, Madrid, Montreal and Chicago. Emma What motivated you to come to the festival? I came because it was a rare occasion, we might not get a change to do it later. What did you think of the documentary?It’s very good. I didn’t expect it to be like that. I’ve seen others, but this one brought back a lot of memories, it was very nostalgic, because several friends are not here anymore. I remembered my childhood; it was like living through it all over again Have you seen the Patricio Henriquez´s documentary Juchitán de las locas de ? I saw it, but I didn’t like it as much as this one, it’s really fast, it doesn’t let you listen to what people are saying. EnochWhat motivated you to come to the festival? I was excited about seeing the film, and coming to a festival that comes out in the news. I hadn’t had the chance to come, and this film made it possible; it was thrilling to be part of the cast, it was a totally different experience. Did you like the documentary?I loved the way the cast got involved, it was wonderful. I would really like it if you all came to our town, so you can really see what our life is like, and how all the gay people hang out together. How did you feel while you were watching it?It meant a lot to me. The film’s aim is to make people understand that homosexuals are human beings that feel like everybody else, and that deserve respect. What is it like to be a homosexual in Juchitán?It’s good, I think people accept me to a certain extent, as the film illustrates.