Director and professor at the UNAM’s National School of Film Arts (ENAC), film director, MA in visual arts and BA in visual communication from the National School of Visual Arts (now the Department of Art and Design), and teacher with over 30 years of experience. He studied at the University Center for Film Studies (CUEC), with further specialization at the Higher Institute of Social Communication at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy; he also pursued a concentra- tion in directing at the Experimental Film Center in Rome, Italy, with Sergio Leone as his advisor. He won third place in IMCINE’s First National Feature-Length Screenplay Competition for his screenplay Navegantes del Río Churubusco. His short film Complesso da camara was screened at the Venice Film Festival, and his film El centro del laberinto was nominated for an Ariel Award. He spear- headed the PAPIME projects “Implementación de un Centro de Producción de Material Didáctico Interactivo en soportes digitales para apoyo de las actividades académicas y de di- fusión de la ENAP” [“Implementation of a Production Center for Interactive Educational Material in Digital Formats to Support the Academic and Outreach Activities of the ENAP”] and “Construcción de Imaginarios Culturales y Represent- ación Espacial en Manifestaciones Artísticas vinculadas con el México del siglo XIX” [“Construction of Cultural Imaginar- ies and Spatial Representation in Artistic Expressions Asso- ciated with 19th-Century Mexico.”] He is currently pursuing a PhD in art history from the UNAM’s Department of Philoso- phy and Literature.
Director and professor at the UNAM’s National School of Film Arts (ENAC), film director, MA in visual arts and BA in visual communication from the National School of Visual Arts (now the Department of Art and Design), and teacher with over 30 years of experience. He studied at the University Center for Film Studies (CUEC), with further specialization at the Higher Institute of Social Communication at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy; he also pursued a concentra- tion in directing at the Experimental Film Center in Rome, Italy, with Sergio Leone as his advisor. He won third place in IMCINE’s First National Feature-Length Screenplay Competition for his screenplay Navegantes del Río Churubusco. His short film Complesso da camara was screened at the Venice Film Festival, and his film El centro del laberinto was nominated for an Ariel Award. He spear- headed the PAPIME projects “Implementación de un Centro de Producción de Material Didáctico Interactivo en soportes digitales para apoyo de las actividades académicas y de di- fusión de la ENAP” [“Implementation of a Production Center for Interactive Educational Material in Digital Formats to Support the Academic and Outreach Activities of the ENAP”] and “Construcción de Imaginarios Culturales y Represent- ación Espacial en Manifestaciones Artísticas vinculadas con el México del siglo XIX” [“Construction of Cultural Imaginar- ies and Spatial Representation in Artistic Expressions Asso- ciated with 19th-Century Mexico.”] He is currently pursuing a PhD in art history from the UNAM’s Department of Philoso- phy and Literature.