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5th FICM’s Winning shorts last show

Today is the last show for the winning films of the 5th Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia in Mexico City. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to watch these excellent films.

Sunday, October 28th 2007

• 12:00 hrs. (Best Documentary Winner) Mi vida dentro (Lucía Gajá) - 35mm

• 16:00 hrs. (Travelling Shorts) Cortometrajes franceses - Programa 1

• 18:00 hrs. (Michoacan Section Winners and Mexican Long and short feature films):
- Axuni Atari (Raúl Máximo)
- Fénix (Fernanda Romandía)
- Peces Plátano (Natalia Beristain Egurrola)
- La caja de Yamasaki (José Manuel Cravioto)

• 20:00 hrs. (Travelling Shorts) French Short Films - Program 2