10 · 24 · 19 Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache, by Khyentse Norbu, had its world premiere at the 17th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard The Mexican and Nepali co-production, Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache (2019) by Khyentse Norbua, had its world premiere at the 17th Morelia International Film Festival (FICM) with the presence of producers Fernanda Rivero, Max Dipesh Khatri and Ram Raju, actress Kunsel Tinzin, and Festival founder and director, Daniela Michel. Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache follows the story of Tenzin, a modern Tibetan entrepreneur who is completely skeptical of ancient mystical beliefs and is suddenly pursued by terrifying dreams and hallucinations. A wise man tells him that these are omens that are letting him know his death is imminent. Filmed in Kathmandu, Tenzin will have seven days to save his life on a sacred and unconventional journey towards the feminine energy. “We want to thank you for being here with us, celebrating the feminine energy. It is a great pleasure and a great honor to be at the FICM,” said Max Dipesh Khatri. For her part, Daniela Michel said it was an honor to have a world premiere at the FICM: “I celebrate that you came to present this co-production, it is something historic for our Festival and we feel very proud to share this beautiful film with you.” “I believe Mexican and Nepali traditions are shown in the film’s atmosphere. One can feel identified with all of that. There is no border, reality is magical, but we tend to see them as if they were separate things,” said Max Dipesh Khatri.