10 · 22 · 16 Actress Clotilde Courau Attended the Screening of Le Ciel attendra at 14° FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Marco Antonio Mejía (@miqkelmejia ) The French film, Le Ciel attendra (2016), by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar, was shown tonight at the 14th edition of the Morelia International Film Festival with the presence of lead actress Clotilde Courau, who offered a few words previous to function: "I am delighted to be here in this festival that I have loved so much and have always had at heart. I knew I would return; I presented a film last year and today I will present another talking about a situation that is happening in our territory, in the world and in Europe." Clotilde Courau "My mission was to be authentic and respect the people who were going through that in real life. It was achieved precisely through those parents who come back to life helping each other". She also emphasized that after Le Ciel attendra there were more attacks in France and that "with this film we commit more," she concluded.