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Jacques Kermabon is the editor-in-chief of Bref, a French magazine devoted to short film published by l’Agence du court métrage; a contributor to the Quebec-based magazine 24 Images; a programmer for the Monaco Audiovisual Archives; and a teacher at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1).

He has published Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot, as part of a collection on feature-length films (Yellow Now, 1988; reissued in 2009). He has edited CinémAction No. 47, Les théories du cinéma aujourd’hui (Cerf-Corlet, 1988); Cinema and Television: Fifty Years of Reflection in France, with Kumar Shahani (Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1991); Pathé premier empire du cinéma (Centre Georges-Pompidou, 1994); Parcours du cinéma en Ile-de-France (Textuel, 1995); Une encyclopédie du court métrage français, with Jacky Evrard (Yellow Now, Côté Court, 2003); and Du praxinoscope au cellulo: Un demi siècle de cinéma d’animation en France (1892-1948) (CNC French Film Archives, 2007).